Can You Register A Trailer Without VIN Number?

Registering a trailer is a mandatory requirement for those who wish to operate it legally on public roads. One of the most critical pieces of information required during the registration process is the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). But what if your trailer doesn’t have a VIN? Can you still register it? The answer is not a straightforward one. Read on to find out more.

Key Takeaways

  • VIN is a crucial piece of information required during the trailer registration process.
  • Not all trailers have a VIN, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they cannot be registered.
  • The process of registering a trailer without a VIN can be complicated and time-consuming.
  • The rules and regulations regarding trailer registration vary from state to state.

Is it Possible to Register a Trailer Without a VIN?

The answer to this question is not straightforward. It depends on the state where you live and the type of trailer you own. Some states require all trailers to have a VIN, while others only require it for certain types of trailers. For instance, in California, all trailers require a VIN, while in Colorado, only trailers with a weight of more than 2,000 pounds need a VIN.

If your trailer doesn’t have a VIN, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it cannot be registered. However, you’ll need to follow a complicated and time-consuming process to obtain a VIN or an alternative identification number.

Obtaining a VIN for Your Trailer

If your trailer doesn’t have a VIN, you’ll need to obtain one before you can register it. The process of obtaining a VIN for a trailer varies from state to state. In some states, you can apply for a VIN at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). In others, you’ll need to contact a licensed VIN agent or a private company that provides VIN services.

The process of obtaining a VIN can take several weeks or even months, depending on the state and the type of trailer. You’ll need to provide proof of ownership and a detailed description of the trailer, including its make, model, and specifications.

Alternative Identification Numbers

If you’re unable to obtain a VIN for your trailer, some states offer alternative identification numbers. These numbers are used in place of the VIN and are assigned by the state’s DMV or other authorized agencies. The process of obtaining an alternative identification number is similar to obtaining a VIN, and you’ll need to provide detailed information about the trailer.

Other Considerations

Registering a trailer without a VIN or an alternative identification number can be complicated and time-consuming. In addition, some states require trailers to pass safety inspections before they can be registered. These inspections ensure that the trailer is roadworthy and safe for public use.


Registering a trailer without a VIN can be a complicated process, but it’s not impossible. The rules and regulations regarding trailer registration vary from state to state, so it’s important to check with your local DMV or other authorized agencies for specific requirements. In addition, you can do a VIN check to ensure that the trailer you’re buying or selling has a valid VIN and to get important information about its history. To do so, we recommend using one of our best VIN Check Websites. By doing a VIN check, you can ensure that the trailer you’re registering is safe and roadworthy. With the right information and preparation, you can successfully register your trailer without a VIN and enjoy safe and legal travels on public roads.


Can I register a trailer without a VIN in any state?

The requirements for registering a trailer without a VIN vary from state to state. Some states allow alternative identification numbers, while others strictly require a VIN. It’s important to check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or relevant authorities to understand the specific regulations in your state.

How can I obtain a VIN for my trailer if it doesn’t have one?

The process of obtaining a VIN for a trailer varies by state. In some states, you can apply for a VIN at the DMV, while in others, you may need to contact a licensed VIN agent or a private company that offers VIN services. The process typically involves providing proof of ownership and detailed information about the trailer.

What are alternative identification numbers, and how can I get one for my trailer?

Some states offer alternative identification numbers for trailers that don’t have a VIN. These numbers serve as substitutes for the VIN and are assigned by the state’s DMV or authorized agencies. The process for obtaining an alternative identification number is similar to obtaining a VIN, and you’ll need to provide detailed information about the trailer.

Are there any additional requirements to register a trailer without a VIN?

In some states, trailers without a VIN may need to pass safety inspections before they can be registered. These inspections ensure that the trailer meets roadworthy and safety standards. It’s essential to check with your local DMV or relevant authorities to determine if any additional requirements apply in your state.

Can I perform a VIN check on a trailer without a VIN?

Performing a traditional VIN check may not be possible for trailers without a VIN. However, it’s still advisable to conduct thorough research and inspections to gather information about the trailer’s history, condition, and legitimacy before purchasing or registering it.

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