Can You Find a Towed Car By VIN?

Have you ever parked your car on the street, only to come back and find it gone? It’s a frustrating experience that can leave you feeling helpless and unsure of what to do next. One question that might come to mind is whether you can find your towed car by VIN. In this article, we’ll explore this question and provide you with some helpful information about locating a towed vehicle.

Key Takeaways

  • Towed vehicles are often taken to impound lots or towing company lots.
  • You can contact your local police department to find out if your car has been towed.
  • It’s important to have your VIN on hand when searching for a towed car.
  • Online databases may be able to help you locate your towed vehicle.
  • It’s always a good idea to double-check the information you receive about a towed car to ensure that it’s accurate.

Is It Possible to Locate a Towed Car Using Its VIN?

If your car has been towed, one way to locate it is by using its vehicle identification number (VIN). This unique 17-digit code is assigned to every vehicle and can be found on your car’s registration, insurance documents, and sometimes on the dashboard of the car itself. The VIN provides important information about the car, including its make, model, year, and more.

Contacting Your Local Police Department

When a car is towed, it is usually taken to an impound lot or a towing company lot. These lots can be owned by the police department, the city or county, or a private towing company. To find out if your car has been towed and where it is located, you can start by contacting your local police department.

The police department can provide you with information about whether your car has been towed and where it has been taken. However, they may require some additional information from you, such as the make and model of the car, the license plate number, and the VIN. Having your VIN on hand can be especially helpful in this situation, as it provides a unique identifier for your car.

Using Online Databases

Another option for locating a towed car by VIN is to use online databases. Some websites allow you to search for a towed car by entering its VIN, as well as other information such as the make and model of the car and the location where it was towed from. However, it is important to note that not all databases are regularly updated or accurate, so it is a good idea to double-check the information with the police department or towing company.

Other Options

In addition to using the VIN to locate a towed car, there are a few other things you can do to increase your chances of finding your vehicle. For example, you can check nearby streets and parking lots to see if your car was moved by the towing company or police. You can also ask neighbors if they saw anything or have any information about the towing company that operates in the area.


In conclusion, if your car has been towed, you may be able to locate it by using its VIN. This unique identifier can help you determine whether your car has been towed and where it is being held. To locate a towed car by VIN, you can start by contacting your local police department or using online databases. For this reason, you can use our list of recommended top VIN Check Websites. However, it’s important to double-check the information you receive and explore other options for locating your car, such as checking nearby streets and parking lots.


What is a VIN and where can I find it on my car?

A VIN is a unique 17-digit code that is assigned to every vehicle. It can be found on your car’s registration, insurance documents, and sometimes on the dashboard of the car itself.

How do I know if my car has been towed?

You can contact your local police department to find out if your car has been towed. They can provide you with information about whether your car has been towed and where it has been taken.

Can I locate my towed car by VIN using online databases?

Yes, some websites allow you to search for a towed car by entering its VIN, as well as other information such as the make and model of the car and the location where it was towed from. However, it is important to note that not all databases are regularly updated or accurate.

What should I do if I can’t find my towed car using the VIN?

In addition to using the VIN to locate a towed car, you can also check nearby streets and parking lots to see if your car was moved by the towing company or police. You can also ask neighbors if they saw anything or have any information about the towing company that operates in the area.

How can I prevent my car from being towed in the future?

To avoid having your car towed, make sure to park in designated parking spots and read all signs and parking regulations carefully. Additionally, keep your car registration and insurance up-to-date and have your VIN on hand in case your car does get towed.

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