Subaru VIN Decoder


Decode any Subaru VIN and get valuable information about its history.


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Subaru VIN Decoder

Use our Subaru VIN decoder to learn more about a car. This unique number can tell you a lot about the car before you buy it, so you know the details match and there’s nothing misleading about it. Here’s all you need to know to get the most out of your Subaru VIN Decoder.

Decode Subaru VIN

Every car has a unique VIN. It’s kind of like a fingerprint - no two cars will have the same one. Each number and letter tells you something different about the car if you know what you are looking for.

  • First three digits - Country of origin, manufacturer, and vehicle type
  • Fourth through ninth digit - Transmission, engine, body, and a check digit.
  • 10th through 17th digit - model year, production plant, and serial number

When you use our free Subaru VIN decoder, you can check against the car report to make sure everything matches. This helps you prove the legitimacy of the vehicle and prevent headaches later.


Our Subaru VIN decoder is free to use and offers a lot of important information about a potential car. The decoder report details are public record, and if you want to go beyond it and get a deep dive, you can purchase a vehicle history report from one of our trusted partners.

conclusion 50 words - link back but if you need more information,. They are the best websites to safely learn more about the car.

This Subaru VIN Decoder was updated in 2025.

Subaru VIN Examples

Bellow you can find a few Subaru examples:

  • 1986 SUBARU Standard
    VIN: JF1AF21B0GA109101
  • 1990 SUBARU Loyale
    VIN: JF2AN52B2LD414977
  • 1992 SUBARU SVX
    VIN: JF1CX3533NH100461
  • 2013 SUBARU XV CrossTrek
    VIN: JF2GPACC6D2827518
  • 2024 SUBARU Outback
    VIN: 4S4BTGND0R3126449

Feel free to test our decoder with these VIN.

Our VIN Decoder Works With These Subaru Models

Our Guides

When you’re buying a car, it’s important to know the VIN. The VIN is the Vehicle Identification ...
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Works With

Frequently Asked Questions

✔️What is a Subaru VIN?

A Subaru VIN is a code that uniquely identifies a Subaru vehicle. It's made up of 17 characters that provide specific information about the vehicle, including the make, model, year, and engine type.

✔️What does the Subaru VIN contain?

Subaru VINs are made up of 17 characters that contain important information about the vehicle. The first three characters indicate the manufacturer and country of origin, while the following five characters provide information about the vehicle's attributes, such as body style, engine type, and transmission. The 10th character represents the year of manufacture, while the 17th character is a check digit that ensures the VIN's validity.

✔️Where to find the Subaru VIN?

Subaru VINs can be found in several locations on a vehicle, including the dashboard on the driver's side, the driver's side door jamb, and the engine block. The VIN can also be found on registration and title documents, as well as on insurance policies.

✔️What Subaru models work with our VIN decoder?

A Subaru VIN decoder should be able to decode the VINs for all Subaru models, including popular models such as the Subaru Impreza, Outback, Forester, Crosstrek, Legacy, and Ascent, among others. However, it's important to verify the compatibility of the specific VIN decoder to ensure it can decode the VIN for the particular Subaru model and year in question.

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