Buick VIN Decoder


Decode any Buick VIN and get valuable information about its history.


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Buick VIN Decoder

When you are looking to buy a car, you should run a VIN check. Our free Buick VIN decoder can tell you basic information about a car, including engine, model, and more. Here is all you need to know about our free Buick VIN decoder to help you start your search.

Decode Buick VIN

Each car has a unique VIN, which serves as an identification number for a specific car. No two cars have the same VIN, and each digit means something specific. This information can be decoded as follows:

  • First three digits - Country of origin, manufacturer, and vehicle type
  • Fourth through ninth digit - Transmission, engine, body, and a check digit
  • 10th through 17th digit - model year, production plant, and serial number

Our free Buick VIN Decoder helps pull this information together in a single, convenient location. You don't have to dig to understand what each of the 17 digits of your VIN means.


Our free Buick VIN Decoder provides basic information about a car. If you want to dig deeper into a specific car, you should run a vehicle history report from one of our trusted partners. This paid report includes a lot of helpful information, so you will avoid costly surprises if you buy the car.

This Buick VIN Decoder was updated in 2025.

Buick VIN Examples

Bellow you can find a few Buick examples:

  • 1995 BUICK Riviera
    VIN: 1G4GD2212S4723764
  • 1997 BUICK Regal
    VIN 2G4WF5217V1408028
  • 2005 BUICK Terraza
    VIN: 5GADX33L45D203107
  • 1986 BUICK Electra
    VIN: 1G4CW69B9G1450815
  • 2000 BUICK Century
    VIN: 2G4WS52J4Y1234614

Feel free to test our decoder with these VIN.

Our VIN Decoder Works With These Buick Models

Our Guides

When you’re buying a car, it’s important to know the VIN. The VIN is the Vehicle Identification ...
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Frequently Asked Questions

✔️What is a Buick VIN?

A Buick VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is a unique code consisting of 17 characters that are assigned to every Buick vehicle. It contains specific information about the vehicle, including the model, year of manufacture, engine size, transmission type, and other details.

✔️What does a Buick VIN contain?

A Buick VIN contains 17 characters that provide information about the vehicle's make, model, year of manufacture, engine type, transmission type, and other important details. Specifically, the first three characters of the VIN represent the manufacturer identifier code, the fourth through eighth characters represent the vehicle attributes, the ninth character is a check digit, the tenth character represents the model year, the eleventh character represents the plant where the vehicle was manufactured, and the final six characters represent the unique production sequence number.

✔️Where to find the Buick VIN?

You can find the Buick VIN in several locations on the vehicle, including on the dashboard near the windshield on the driver's side, on the driver's side door jamb, on the engine block, and on the vehicle registration and title documents.

✔️What Buick models work with our VIN decoder?

Our VIN decoder should be able to decode any Buick VIN from any year, including models such as the Enclave, LaCrosse, Regal, Encore, and many others.

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