Daihatsu VIN Decoder


Get important information about any Daihatsu by decoding its VIN number.


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Daihatsu VIN Decoder

Use our free Daihatsu VIN Decoder to learn more about a car before you purchase it. This will help you understand basic information about a car. It’s free and easy to use but can make a huge difference. Here’s all you need to know about our free Daihatsu VIN Decoder.

Decode Daihatsu VIN

VINs are an industry standard to help identify a car. Each of the 17 letters and numbers is significant. They provide key details about the car. The VIN can be broken down as follows.

  • First three digits - Country of origin, manufacturer, and vehicle type
  • Fourth through ninth digit - Transmission, engine, body, and a check digit
  • 10th through 17th digit - model year, production plant, and serial number

It can be tedious to track down this information yourself, which is why our free Daihatsu VIN Decoder is helpful. All you have to do is enter a car’s VIN, and its information will pull up.


Our free Daihatsu VIN Decoder is a great way to learn about your car’s origins, but what happens after it leaves the manufacturer? You can purchase a vehicle history report from one of our trusted partners to get insights into its continued history. That way, you can avoid costly surprises from known issues.

This Daihatsu VIN Decoder was updated in 2025.

Daihatsu VIN Examples

Bellow you can find a few Daihatsu examples:

  • 1991 Daihatsu CHARADE
    VIN: JD1EG112XM4414084
  • 1990 Daihatsu ROCKY
    VIN: JD2FF3203L6303813

Feel free to test our decoder with these VIN.

Our VIN Decoder Works With These Daihatsu Models

Our Guides

When you’re buying a car, it’s important to know the VIN. The VIN is the Vehicle Identification ...
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Frequently Asked Questions

✔️What is a Daihatsu VIN?

A Daihatsu VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is a 17-character code unique to each Daihatsu vehicle. It is used to identify the manufacturer, model, production year, and other relevant information about the vehicle. The VIN is a standardized format used globally and serves as a unique identifier for every vehicle produced by Daihatsu.

✔️What does Daihatsu VIN contain?

The Daihatsu VIN is comprised of 17 characters, each representing a specific piece of information about the vehicle. The first three characters represent the World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI), which identifies the vehicle manufacturer. The next six characters represent the Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS), which provides information about the model, body type, engine type, and other attributes. The ninth character is a check digit used to verify the validity of the VIN. The tenth character represents the model year, and the eleventh character represents the factory where the vehicle was manufactured. The last six characters represent the Vehicle Identification Section (VIS), a unique serial number assigned to each vehicle during production.

✔️Where to find the Daihatsu VIN?

The Daihatsu VIN can be found in several locations on the vehicle, including on the driver's side dashboard, the driver's side door jamb, the vehicle registration and title documents, and on the engine block. Therefore, ensuring that the VIN matches across all of these locations is important to verify the vehicle's authenticity.

✔️What Daihatsu models work with our VIN decoder?

It would depend on the specific VIN decoder that you are using. However, a Daihatsu VIN decoder should generally work with all Daihatsu vehicle models produced after the standardized 17-digit VIN system was adopted. Daihatsu adopted this system in the late 1970s, so most Daihatsu vehicles produced since then should have a compatible VIN. Some popular Daihatsu models that may work with a VIN decoder include the Daihatsu Terios, Daihatsu Materia, Daihatsu Charade, Daihatsu Sirion, Daihatsu Copen, Daihatsu Rocky, and Daihatsu Cuore. However, it's important to note that not all VIN decoders are created equal, and some may be more limited in their compatibility than others. Therefore, if you have a specific Daihatsu model in mind, you should check with the provider of the VIN decoder to confirm that it will work with that model.

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