Abarth VIN Decoder


Uncover the hidden history of any Abarth by decoding its VIN number.


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Abarth VIN Decoder

The Abarth VIN Decoder is a great way to learn basic information about a car, including its engine, model, and more. Simply enter a car’s VIN into our free tool to get started. It is a quick and easy way to get informed, and here’s everything you need to know.

Decode Abarth VIN

Each car has a VIN, which is a 17-digit identification sequence filled with letters and numbers. This number is unique to a single car, and it includes the following information.

  • First three digits - Country of origin, manufacturer, and vehicle type
  • Fourth through ninth digit - Transmission, engine, body, and a check digit
  • 10th through 17th digit - model year, production plant, and serial number

Our free Abarth VIN Decoder helps populate this information for you in a single and convenient place. You can then use it to check against the spec sheet during the car-buying process to make sure everything matches up correctly.


Our free Abarth VIN Decoder is a good start. You can tell basic information about a car. When you’re ready to move to the next step, purchase a vehicle history report from one of our trusted partners. Together, these can tell you everything about a car before you buy it.

This Abarth VIN Decoder was updated in 2025.

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Frequently Asked Questions

✔️What is an Abarth VIN?

An Abarth VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is a unique code assigned to every Abarth vehicle that provides information about the car's manufacturer, model, year of production, and other important details.

✔️What does an Abarth VIN contain?

An Abarth VIN is made up of 17 alphanumeric characters and provides the following information:

  • World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI): The first three characters of the VIN represent the vehicle manufacturer.
  • Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS): The next five characters provide information about the vehicle's model, body style, engine type, and other features.
  • Check Digit: The ninth character is a calculated value based on the other characters in the VIN and is used to verify the VIN's accuracy.
  • Vehicle Identification Section (VIS): The last eight characters provide a unique identifier for the specific vehicle, including the production plant, production sequence number, and other important details.

✔️Where can you find an Abarth VIN?

The Abarth VIN can be found in several locations on the vehicle, including:

  • On the dashboard, visible through the windshield on the driver's side of the vehicle
  • On the driver's side door jamb
  • On the vehicle's title and registration documents
  • On insurance and financing documents

✔️What Abarth models work with our VIN decoder?

It isn't easy to provide a comprehensive answer without knowing which specific VIN decoder you are referring to. However, most VIN decoders should be able to decode the VIN of any Abarth vehicle, regardless of the model or year of production. Some popular Abarth models include the Abarth 500, Abarth 124 Spider, and Abarth 595.

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