Florida VIN Check


Avoid scams and fraud when buying a used vehicle in Florida. Use our free VIN checker to get public information about the vehicle's history and avoid any potential problems.


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From $12.79 per report
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Ranks #1 out of 22 companies
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From $14.99 per report
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4.8 rating
From $14.99 per report
Ranks #3 out of 22 companies
4.5 rating
From $9.99 per report
Ranks #4 out of 22 companies
Florida VIN Check

Whether you’re working at a dealership or looking to buy a pre-owned vehicle for yourself, getting a VIN check on a used vehicle is the best way to make sure you don’t end up in a risky situation. Use our free VIN decoder tool to get the basic information about the VIN of any vehicle.

VIN Check in Florida

Florida is a large state with a huge number of vehicles available for sale. This also means that there are a lot of services that offer residents VIN checks. These services can provide residents with a detailed history report on any car that consists of information such as the car’s total mileage, information on previous owners, a history of accidents, incidents of theft, and other important information in exchange for the car's VIN code. You can use a VIN check tool to get a detailed history of any car of your choice.


Any time you look to buy a car that you like, remember to get a VIN check so you can avoid any future issues. It’s worth it to pay a small initial fee compared to the plethora of information that you will be receiving from professionals in the field. You can also use our free VIN check tool above to get started.

Our VIN checker works perfectly in Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Orlando, St. Petersburg and other Florida cities.

This Floridian VIN checker was updated in 2025

Our Guides

When you’re buying a car, it’s important to know the VIN. The VIN is the Vehicle Identification ...
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Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs) are unique identifiers that help track and identify vehicles. They are used by ...
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Vehicle buying and selling have been a top business for decades. A basic understanding of VIN can ...
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Frequently Asked Questions

✔️Are Floridian VIN codes different?

No, Floridian VIN codes are not different from VIN codes used in other states or countries. The VIN is a standardized code used worldwide to identify vehicles, and its format is regulated by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

✔️How Do You Read a Floridian VIN?

To read a Floridian VIN, you must understand what each of the 17 characters represents. Here is a breakdown:

  • Characters 1-3: World manufacturer identifier (WMI). This identifies the manufacturer of the vehicle.
  • Characters 4-8: Vehicle descriptor section (VDS). This provides information about the vehicle's model, body style, engine type, and other details.
  • Character 9: Check digit. This verifies the accuracy of the VIN.
  • Characters 10-17: Vehicle identifier section (VIS). This provides information about the vehicle's production year, plant of manufacture, and unique serial number.

By decoding the Floridian VIN, you can learn about the vehicle, such as the make and model, production year, and other details.

✔️How Many Digits Are in a Floridian VIN?

The Floridian VIN contains 17 digits.

✔️How Do You Find the VIN on a Floridian Car?

To find the VIN on a Floridian car, you can look in several places, including on the dashboard on the driver's side of the vehicle, visible through the windshield, on the driver's side door jamb, on a sticker or placard, on the engine block, or the vehicle's title or registration documents. It's important to check all possible locations to find the correct VIN.

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